Jan Kadlec

PhD student in neurobiology

Jan Kadlec

PhD student in neurobiology

Jan Kadlec


Hi, my name is Jan (the "ja" is pronounced like in yacht not like in jam). I am a PhD student in the Weizmann Institute in Israel, in the lab of Dr. Michal Ramot's lab studying our most complex organ – the brain, and the world's biggest enigma – human behaviour. My projects are about face perception, memory and complex cognitive processes. To find answers to our questions, we combine simple behavioural experiments with state of the art functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) imaging. This enables us to directly investigate people's brain when they perform certain tasks.

I have been dreaming about creating my own website since I was a kid. Spending the last few months preparing my server and programming behavioural experiments made me believe that I might be capable of making it.

I didn't want to use tools like Github's Jekyll, Hydejack or other templates. It would make me feel like a cheater because one doesn't need to invest much effort in creating a wonderful webpage with these tools. I wanted to start from scratch and build it all by myself. Only after seeing the webpage of Ádám Uzonyi who also built his page from scratch, I got inspired and received the courage needed to sit down and start working.

It's not as perfect yet as I want it to be (probably never will), but it's a start. As Karel Čapek said: The true source of knowledge comes from an error.

The true source of knowledge comes from an error.

— Karel Čapek