Hi, my name is Jan (the "ja" is pronounced like in yacht not like in jam). I am a PhD student at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, in the lab of Dr. Michal Ramot's lab studying our most complex organ – the brain, and the world's biggest enigma – human behaviour. My projects are about face perception, memory and complex cognitive processes. To find answers to our questions, we combine simple behavioural experiments with state-of-the-art functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) imaging. This enables us to directly investigate people's brains when they perform certain tasks.
I have dreamed of creating my own website since I was a kid. Spending several months at the beginning of my PhD preparing my server and programming online behavioural experiments made me believe that I could make it.
I didn't want to use tools like Github's Jekyll, Hydejack, or other templates. It would make me feel like a cheater because with these tools, one doesn't need to invest much effort in creating a wonderful webpage. I wanted to start from scratch and build it all by myself. Only after seeing a friend's webpage, which he also developed from the ground up, I found the inspiration and courage to sit down and start working.
It's not as perfect yet as I want it to be (and probably never will), but it's a start. As Karel Čapek said: The true source of knowledge comes from an error.