Face Memory / Perception Test (FMP)¶
In preparation.
Perceptual accuracy and memory load are parametrically modulated, independently of each other in a 3x3 design. Participants view a target picture of a face and then must choose from two faces which was the match. Memory load is modulated from Zero memory with no delay (target and foils appear onscreen at the same time, also called the FMP Perception condition), Delay non-interference condition (in which there is a 4 second delay between the disappearance of the target and the appearance of the foils, FMP Blank condition), and a delay with Interference condition (in which a different face is presented during the 4s delay period, and participants must remember the emotion of this face, FMP Faces). Perceptual difficulty is modulated along three different difficulty levels by modulating the morph level of the target face to a different base
face. In addition, there is one more memory condition at the very end of the task that tests whether participants remember stimuli from their first condition.